Monday, January 28, 2008

What a weekend...what a great God

Dear Family and Friends,

My God is so wonderful, good and kind. It has been taking time to adjust to all the differences down here, but I am so excited to be getting into ministry.

This weekend was very exhausting and fun. I had the opportunity to help teach a Sunday school class on Sunday, and will now be helping out with ages 6 to 7 at "Renacer" in Curridabat.

On Friday, all the women got together and had a sleepover party. None of us slept very well and we all ate tons of chocolate. Sister Nancy, gave a short devotional on Saturday morning and we spent a time of prayer. (Her cooking is amazing by the way.) One of the missionary's, Cathy, has been on the field with her husband for 38 years. They were in Tanzania, South Africa for many years, and have been serving here in Costa Rica for 8 years. Both Steve and Cathy need our prayers as they will be returning to the U.S. in December. Steve is sick and they are not sure what the next steps will be, but they will be very sad to leave the field. Please pray for them.

My Spanish is hopefully improving, but I know that I have a long way to go. I hope that all of you are doing wonderful as well. You have been in my thoughts and prayers.

One of the highlights of this past month has been when Pastor Luis Apuye came to my house. He gave a short message at this "prayer meeting," where Cecilia, her daughter Diana, and I hosted about 20 women...and only one man! haha. He spoke a message about seven important keys we must hold in our hands to receive from God what He has for us. The prophetic word He spoke into my life that night was an exciting confirmation to the desires in my heart. I have always hoped to learn Hebrew one day and to use that in my ministry, and I did not tell that to anyone. His words could not have come from man. Praise the Lord!

I am so excited about what this next month will hold! When you think of me, pray that I will learn so much Spanish, and be able to balance all of the relationships. Pray because at the church "Renacer" we will be looking to start a children's ministry program in the church.

Let me know if you have any questions and I look forward to talking to you soon! There are so many of you that I wish I could talk with more frequently, but alas! it is so hard to balance my time. Hopefully in the nearby future, I will be able to get internet in my house so that I can connect with you easier.

Peace and love.
Joanna Joy :)

1 comment:

Steve said...

It's really great to read this messages. I'm a little slow reading your messages, but it's nice to know they are here waiting to be read.