Saturday, October 23, 2010


I love a lot of things about God and I could never end being grateful for the intimate relationship that I have been allowed to enjoy with Him.  He is my Creator and yet He is on my level.  He is SO FAR ABOVE us, and has galaxies of control and knowledge, yet He takes the care to hear even my whispers and reach out to me.

I love my sisters and how God has given me them as treasures.  Rachel brings treasure in her speech and obviously lives with passion, Sarah touches my heart with her smile and her lifestyle preaches to me, teaches me.God blessed me richly.  We are connected, my sisters and I with greatness.  Greatness in our character and integrity, greatness in our passion for truth and service. 

I love the fact that God allowed us to each grow towards him, and that we three have something special and different than others.

Being God's favorites, what can I say?  Its obvious that His love envelopes us and directs our steps.  Its obvious how He has protected me, watching over me and picked me up when I have fallen down.

I love the fact that God gave me humble, delightful, fun, honoring, patient, providing parents.  My mom listened and had great compassion on me when I suffered heart aches in grade school, and she made the absolute best choco. chip cookies.  She bought gifts that had special meaning in them, and let me sit on her lap even when I was way too big for her.  hahaha.  My dad provided us with everythiing to a fault.  He made wise financial decisions that enabled him to help us through college.  He taught us to pray and to read God's word and had devotions with us every night, ever patient with our giggling at the wrong moments.  He disciplined us when we disobeyed, told us we couldn't date until we were 35.  (Only 7 more years and then i can start dating hahaha).  One night he gave me such geat encouragement.  I was confused and discouraged at that moment, and I asked him why he never gave me his opinion about men to which He responded, "Joanna, No guy is good enough for you in the eyes of your Father."  He is the most amazing counselor and friend and example.

Why would God be so good to me with all these wonderful gifts?  And I could go on about the wonderful friends he has given me and the beautiful cousins, grandparents, aunts and uncles, who have all made their mark on my life. 

God gave me all these blessings just to tell me through each one that He loved me. 

God teaches us through his Holy Scriptures that GOD IS LOVE. 

well... I am so thankful becuase without Him, what would I have?  I LOVE YOU FATHER GOD!!!  THANK YOU!!!!

Happy Sabbath day to all.  Peace and love and may you UNDERSTAND and EXPERIENCE the fullness of His love towards you as well.

This is His day.  Bring honor due him. 

Tuesday, October 19, 2010


Have you ever felt awkward around someone?

Maybe it happens to you often, maybe not, but for me, it is possibly the worst feeling ever.  I don't feel awkward with people very often, but when I do, it is a very unsettling feeling.

Possibly, I think--the other person doesn't know how to act or what to say around me, but quite possibly, I am also having a hard time relating to that individual or to their circumstances.  Every attempt at conversation or nonchalance is halting and unnatural.

I have been known in these moments to ask strange questions, which I rather wish the recipient had not heard and with great effort try to not allow my pale face to grow red.  OH THE RELIEF when you actually find some way to relate to that person.  It is like a great pressure lifts off...

I have no problem enjoying a comfortable silence between friends, but when there is an awkward silence between two people who barely know each other and here they are in a situation trying to make small talk, yet it seems to come out chokingly almost.  Until you find some sort of equilibrium between your wildlly clashing chemistry ... it is an unbelievably charged atmosphere.

Naturally, awkward conversations are unnatural.

Saturday, October 16, 2010

The weed analogy:

Many who love to garden understand the importance of maintaining their flowers and plants with proper nurturing.  They must be given correct amounts of water and sunlight to absorb the nutrients and fertilizers for the soil.  In gardening, the gardener thinks of the finished product with such joy that the patience endured and toil necessary to take proper care of the garden becomes a pleasure.  Every gardener is aware of the difficult process to extract various kinds of weeds that are attracted to the nutrient rich soil and sprout up throughout the lovely garden posing a threat to the plants and flowers.

These weeds if not dealt with properly will always grow back.  If they are uprooted while they are still little, then they can successfully be eliminated from the garden, but if they grow to be as big as the plant itself, the danger is present that they will hinder the growth and development of the plant.  In this case, uprooting the weeds could also cause the good plants to be uprooted with them.   

Regardless, weeds grow back if they are not pulled up from their roots.

In Matthew 13:24-30 we see a master who is so concerned about the good wheat he has planted being uprooted along with tares (weeds) that have secretly been planted alongside the wheat, that he allows them to grow together, lest the wheat should be uprooted before its season and destroyed.

Jesus says that this is what the kingdom of heaven is like.  Enemies have been planted among His chosen people, and these enemies will remain until the end.  He also says in another place that "a little yeast makes the whole batch of dough full of leaven."   We must revere God's Word and be aware of these things.  It is VITAL to use discernment in all things and to practice the disciplines and gifts of the Spirit in our lives lest we also be deceived by the greatest enemy of mankind.

The message of Christ was quite simple, "If you love me, you will follow my commandments."  To go out and do as we saw Him do.  This was what the Messiah asked us to do, yet the Body of believers has found it so difficult to do just that.
"and the greatest commandment is this, You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart, soul, mind and strength, and the second is like it, You shall love your neighbor as yourself."   
Love Justice and hate evil.  Yet we are found closing our ears to the cries of the poor who "pollute" our streets with their filthy stench and alcohol laden breath.  Jesus said to LOVE them.  We are to open to them the doors of healing.  Yes, the poor we will always have among us, and I cannot judge what you have done to help, but you know in your heart when you have run away from them, when they need your embrace.  Do you not have a MUCH greater Advocate?  (I point at myself first) 
We are to hate evil, yet we allow the traditions of devils to be in our midst!  In the name of something called acceptance or tolerance, we allow others to speak of their faith and to share and be in our midst without defending our own faith and showing the new life and incredible work of God that will actually transform them.  In order to not bother or offend the person, we allow them to keep being a victim to the lies of the enemy and try to play nice with danger!  We also keep their traditions and just "christianize" them.  Doing this does not do anything except for trim the weed.  It is a cover up and not deliverance.  You know that if you suppress anger or a painful past, you only can suppress that for so long, but if you actually seek forgiveness and healing you will be delivered.  So it is with the Church's cowardice and "nicey-nice" with idol worship.  We cannot play around here.   We do not devote our time or pleasure around a false image or ancient mythology.  The Church has denied to have such devotion, yet refuses to eradicate the partying that revolved around this idol worship, instead only making them a Christ centered party, but still partying at the same date and time even with some of the same symbols used in those pagan practices.  
The extent to which this enemy has put tares in with the wheat has not been fully exposed.  We must be watching and prayfully repenting before God our Father.  God is calling us to devote wholly to him and not pay attention to enemies who may grow right at our very side.  

Each one of us must give an account for our words, actions and all our deeds on the final day.  It is a fearful thing to fall into the hands of a living God.  Yet in our faithfulness, WE ARE ENCOURAGED!  For even when we fail, He is still faithful.  Therefore, be strong and put on the full armor of God.  Do not look to your right or to your left, but set your eyes on the Savior who is the author and finisher of your faith and perfectly able to keep you until His appearing.  

For his INCREDIBLE love, He allows the enemy to be among us for a period of time, because He is not willing for anyone to die.  

If what I have said makes sense to you, WONDERFUL! if not, do not let your heart be troubled, but turn your feet from doing evil and keep your eyes on the path of truth. 

If you read this and are utterly confused as to what I am talking about, I encourage you to email me.  

I long for each of my friends to know God with the fullness that I know him.  If you were to experience His presence as I do, you would no longer doubt in your heart and would believe that He truly does exist. Life is not the same and is a meager existence without him who can give you eternal life.