Saturday, January 31, 2009

Take from me this heart of stone

El pueblo que andaba en la oscuridad, ha visto una gran luz; sobre los que vivian en densas tinieblas la luz ha respandecido.

The people walking in darkness have seen a great light; on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned.

Isa. 9:2

The Cynic

The cynic within you
Tells you these things are fake
Tells you it is vain glory
The cynic tears down

Beliefs and Faith
Hope in something great
Victory, healing, deliverance
The cynic stares

Human mistakes, man's pride
Faith wavers
It has seen the false
Hope cries out

Cries out for truth
Cries out for the glory of God
Longs in spite of the
Cynical voices

Lord Jesus,
Thank you for lifting my burdens. You have said to me in your word, "My yoke is easy, and my burden is light." Lord I chose to believe in your power in spite of man's errors. Man is under your grace and you have favored us by the move of your hand. Please keep your servants Father. The servants who sometimes fail you. Who sometimes gain pride. Keep your servants Father, and glorify your Name.
Help the cynic. Help them to hear what you told me. It is not our job to judge, rather to love. That the body of Christ might be built and may be edified to the glory of the Father.

Thank you Heavenly Father for writing your law on our hearts and minds as prophesied by the prophet Jeremiah.

I see things sometimes, my friends, things that may not be true or may. Things that cause my cynical side to start to shout, but you know what? God is good. And He will cause all glory to come to his name. Men, great men, greatly used by the Lord, WILL FAIL him. We are not above them to be able to judge them. Rather, we shall be known by our love says the Word of God. IN 1 peter it says "They shall know we are Christians by our love"

Well, This is my prayer.

Take from me this heart of stone and give me a heart of flesh.

Ezekiel 36:26
"I will give you a new heart and put a new Spirit within you; I will remove from them their heart of stone, and give them a heart of flesh."

Thank you Father,
For loving us in spite of our failures. Please take the cynic my dear Lord. Please help me to be wise as a serpent, yet innocent as a dove. May I take humility as my cloak. May we your church be humble in all our ways, and faithful to teach the truth.

Be glorified.

Thursday, January 29, 2009

Have you ever had one of those nights?

I had a night last night where I was literally acting things out in my sleep. I woke up to punching a pillow and clenched fists. I had to literally tell my self to relax and put my hands to my side. I couldn't feel them.

Who knows how long I had been in that position? It was like a fight.

The Word of God says that we are in a battle against our flesh. It is a constant battle, but we know that we have the victory through Jesus Christ our Lord. We have nothing to fear when we are in His presence.

The most important decision I ever made was to choose Him over my life. There have come many different teachings which lead away from the truth, but the Word of God says,

"I am the way the truth, and the life, no man can come to the Father except through me." John 14:6

"As the Father has loved me, so have I loved you. Now remain in my love." John 15:9

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Good morning!

My dear friends.

It has been so long since I have written, and I have a lot of news for you. May God be my strength and help to get my newsletter out to you and get on the roll.

Today, is Wednesday, and we are nearing the end of January. This month has been full of many exciting things, amidst camp for the PKs, seeing them renew their lives and feeling an exciting direction from God myself. It encourages me to pray more for the pastor's kids when I begin to see and understand what they suffer. Many do not understand these things.

We had a national emergency on January 8th, the first day of our pastor's kids camp, as a 6.5 earthquake shook our grounds, but the Lord faithfully protected us at the campgrounds in Sarapiqui, although we were quite close to the source of the earthquake. I have never felt something so powerful or incredible in my life, and I was reminded of the power of God.

Incredible damage was done and relief groups are still being sent to help re-build homes for the 2000 people who were misplaced. The work is going well, and God is providing.

This month has been so full of things, so that time seemed to go slow in a wierd way. Yet, one finds it difficult to get everything done. One of my favorite children, from the children's home that I visit in Cartago, is getting a home with her 3 other siblings and I am so glad for her!!! They will be going to stay with her uncle. I see the difficult things these children have struggled with and please remember to pray for Nicole, (11 going on 15), Alison (3), Marcos 8, and Michael (?). They are precious kids, but this transition will not be easy for them. It is so much better that they are in a loving home where they have two parents. Pray for wisdom for their adoptive parents who are actually their uncles, and pray that they would be well cared for. They have been children who were living on the streets and suffering the hardship of life on the street before PANI (child protection here in Costa Rica) took them to this children's home.
I am going to miss them, but I am so happy for them.

We are full fledged into the project of Jon's book. I am working on surveys for him. The Dahlager kids are getting big and they are so precious.

This month I have begun working on developing the plans I have for future ministry. I am constantly seeking God for his direction and guidance, and I have been working with a friend in the area of evangelism. Right now, we are asking everyone to pray for these two guys we have recently gotten acquainted with who are interested in the word of God but feel bound by sin. Pray for freedom, and that they will feel the love of Jesus. My friend and I are seeking the Lord for a greater compassion and that God would give us grace as we minister.

I have a meeting this Friday with one of the English teachers from the PIEDAD schools here, and we will be discussing the English program. I hope that I can continue to be of service to them.

God has strengthened my faith over this past month, as I have struggled with some basic issues of our theology. It is interesting how things that you have always believed so firmly can be challenged, and in one moment you can have a shift in your whole view on things, but then God just took those moments and used them to strengthen my faith and cause me to come back stronger. I have been diving deeper into his Word these days and enjoying knowing Him more.

There are too many things I could tell you, my readers about. Too many dreams, hopes, and risks that I am beginning to take to even tell you all about them.

May my life be all about him and all about making his name known to the ends of the earth!!! Jesus is my rock. My dreams could die, my hopes could vanish away,

but my Jesus is the best friend I have, for He has given me the only thing that really matters: and that is a restored relationship with the Heavenly Father. It is for the matchless love of a Father and His Son that have given me reason to shout, reason to be a missionary.

This is all I want. That the world may know him. However possible!!!

"and to all who received Him, to those who believed on his name, to them he gave the power to become children of God. These were not born by blood, nor by human desire or will, rather they were born of God." John 1:12-13