Thursday, October 30, 2008

We are Finite, Human and God is Incomprehensible

As I am sitting here doing my devotions today and thinking about what I need to accomplish in the office, I suddenly felt quite embarrassed at the comforts which I enjoy.

Praise God for good friends, and last night I had a great time with another single missionary friend, Bethany. She was a great blessing, and I need to hang out with her more. We played a game and enjoyed making Christmas cookies.

So this morning, I was enjoying a Christmas cookie with my cup of coffee, as I played worship music, "Vengo A Adorarte" "Here I am to Worship" and read the Word of God in Isaiah.

The song begins to say, I'll never know how much it cost, to see my sins upon that cross... and they flashed pictures of the crucifixion as pictured by The Passion of Christ. Such emotion raised within me, that I did not want to look. I felt ...embarrassed... that I was sitting here eating a cookie and drinking coffee. I could hardly do that and think about what Jesus had done for me.

It hit me. How often do we turn away our faces from those beaten down on the streets? How often does the tragedy hit us, and we stuff it away, not wanting to deal with the ugliness of it? If we acted in compassion, perhaps we would do something, ANYTHING.

The Bible says in Isaiah, "The scoundrel's methods are wicked, he makes up evil schemes, to destroy the poor with lies, even when the plea of the needy is just

But the noble man makes noble plans, and by his noble deeds he stands."

Isaiah 32:7-8

Are we the noble man? Acting out in love and with nobility, by which our deeds will stand the consuming fire of judgment when Christ shall come in His glory? Or are we REJECTING the face of our brothers and sisters, who are of our own flesh and blood, because we do not want to be contaminated by their "dirtiness" and because it is too "dangerous" to help them? God help us!!!

We are truly a lost people who cannot even reach out our cursed human hands to touch those who have been abandoned... although we as Christians have been found.

My fellow Christians, I call upon you to remember from where we came. Remember that we are no different than those abandoned to their conditions but for the BLOOD OF CHRIST. Who RESCUED us from the grave and FOUND us when we were dirty. Had he considered us unloveable, we would still not be here?

My Father, Please help me, and all my friends to have wisdom in this day and every day. Please help me to reach out my hands to the one in the streets and greet him, giving honor to one who others ignore. Help me to touch those who are untouchable in my day and demonstrate the love of God that has transformed my life. Father, I pray for those abandoned onto the streets, who are held captive to the slavery of drugs, homelessness, abandonment, prostitution, alcoholism. Father, please, teach your servants how to make an impact to these for I know that your Word shows that they are worthy of the Kingdom of Heaven, and that they without home or love, have been loved by you and are worthy to receive adoption into your Home forever because you paid their entrance with your very blood. You have made a blood pact with humankind and have won us back if we will join in this covenant with you.

JESUS WE NEED YOU. Who can understand?

I love you! have a great day.

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

Growing pains: Be a Christian not a manstian

There is something amazingly beautiful about the way that a new born baby grows. So quickly within a mother when it is conceived it begins to form different parts. It is important for that little babe's development that it gets the right kind of nourishment to thrive. The conscientious mother takes great pride and care in her little child with the nutrients that her baby needs to grow properly. When that baby is born it sleeps and sleeps and eats.

As the child grows, it needs plenty of sleep and proper nutrition to function well. The body is still changing and developing.

I have been a Christian more than 18 years, but sometimes I feel like that child. I still need the proper rest and nourishment as I grow.

This past week, I think my body needed a break with everything I was learning. I slept ALOT.

The things I was struggling with are not over, but I praise God because I know that I am growing. Hallelujah!!! It is good to be in His fellowship.

When a preteen is growing, many times there is pain involved as the limbs grow and different parts of the body develop. I feel like that pre-teen just developing and in the process I feel sore. There is no way that preteen wants to stay the same size and stop growing. They just don't like the pain. I have been thinking about how it is the same with our faith.

God is greater than our pain and our feelings. Without some of the experiences that I have passed, I would not have grown stronger, but through them, I have learned to be strong. I wouldn't trade it. I want to grow. I want my ears to be trained to hear his voice.

"Do nothing out of selfish ambition or vain conceit, but in humility consider others better than yourselves. Each of you should look not only to your own interests but also to the interests of others." Philippians 2:3-4

"Our citizenship is in heaven. And we eagerly await a Savior from there, the Lord Jesus Christ, who, by the power that enables him to bring everything under his control, will transform our lowly bodies so that they will be like his glorious body." Philippians 3:20-21

There are so many good things here in the Word of God that lighten our path and teach us how we should go. As we permit God to work in our midst, He is making us more like Jesus, and I am grateful for that process because I know it will bring glory to His name!

Jesus Christ, receive the glory and honor for how I live my life! He is the one that I follow, not a man.

I am a Christian, not a manstian. lol.

Christian = Christ follower

Love you guys!

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Stark contrasts

This morning, I had a wonderful time with the kids at church. We laughed, talked about David and Goliath and sang together. At the end, we had icecream and the team stayed and cleaned up.

On this particular Sunday morning, all of the classes were combined. We do that once a month to give the children a fun diversion from the normal classes the other three or four Sundays. We use art, music and activities to teach the children biblical standards. Today was about facing your fears and not being afraid when God is on your side...hence, David and Goliath.

One of my students came and asked me if I could come to her house after service, because she was having a garage sale, and I decided to go so that I could meet her parents. She and her sister come to the church, but her parents do not come. I had met her father, but I had not met her mother... and she also proudly introduced me to her kitten. :)

However, I was struck instantly when we passed by a teenager sleeping in the streets. I often see men sleeping on the sides of the roads, with very skinny legs and tattered clothes. Some younger than others, but today I felt horrified. This boy could not be over 15 yrs old, and although I had read about street children, seeing one for the first time was overwhelming. He was sound asleep and I felt the sudden urge to go over to him, wake him up and offer him something to drink. I wanted to comfort him, I felt as though he did not belong there. But then... neither do the others. How long have they been suffering on the streets without shelter.

Emerson, who I have talked about before, only was 24 yrs old, or possibly younger, and how long had he suffered the cold nights and harsh rainy seasons without shelter? I cannot bare to think about those who have been abandoned, stuck in drugs, and living without a hope. Why, anyone could come by and injure this child. Anyone could introduce him to all kinds of horrible things.
Jesus loves him and died for him. This little 15 yr old should not have to live life this way. Whatever compeled him onto the streets is destroying his young life that God intended for good.

As we walked to Irina's house, I was struck with thoughts of what I have taken for granted in life. Entering the alley into her house, a young 8 yr old came and tickled my sides...kinda scaring me. then I turned to see a sweetie from the church. I gave her a big hug and found out she lived in this same neighborhood. They are very special children. The patio of my student's house was small and dingy. They were selling dolls, barbies, rollerskates, and different things (mostly dirty). The smell of the dirt and sweat hung stalely in the air. I was very happy to meet her mother...again, I felt a twist in my stomache.

I thought about how my little student caused so much disruption in class, but all of sudden, I didn't care so much anymore about the previous frustration I felt. As she so quickly opened up her innocent little heart to me, I decided that I will pour my love out on her. If she is looking for attention inside of class, I will give her attention outside of class. It was obvious that her needs for attention are very tough to obtain within her families limited resources. I will be attending one of her basketball games with her family as she plays on a team. I am proud of her and see a lot of potential in her.

So many kids in different positions. How beautiful that my student had food, a roof over her head, a family trying to make ends meet even if that means a meager looking garage sale..and selling things of value, like a playstation, that was a sacrifice to get rid of. But they are working as a family to make things work. I long for the sucess of this family. My student's parents love her and are doing what is necessary to keep her and her sister in a home and off of the dangerous streets.

What about the others? Is it possible that their families did not have the means to protect them from the street's peligro (danger)? What about this child? What about the MANY like Emerson who have 11 bros & sisses and hardly have a place to lay their head at night?
How do they survive such a lifestyle?

"When Jesus looked upon the crowds, He was moved with compassion..."

What about you? Does this picture move your heart? Or are we too caught up in our own needs to see those of others?

A thought for my dear readers from an intensely passionate heart

with love

Thursday, October 16, 2008

These last couple months of the year are looking like a busy (and cold) time of the year here in Costa Rica.

As we work to get everything ready for the Pastor´s Kids camp coming up in two short months, I am at work making phone calls with a goal of 80 calls per day. Well, that is my goal, up to date I have not quite reached that goal, but I want to get to everyone as soon as possible so that every young person receives equal chance and opportunity to get their money and camp registration form in the office on time.

Besides that, Jhonatan Salas and his team are working on camp activities and design. It is incredible everything it takes to make this camp go off a success. It is fun!

Yesterday, October 15, I visited at four different Piedad schools which are located in poor neighborhoods around Costa Rica with the goal of giving Christian education to their students. My purpose was to visit the English classes and access their needs. It was an incredible experience, and I look forward to visiting at Linda Vista this next Wednesday. To be a teacher in this kind of school takes love and patience. They are not paid superior, but they work because of their love for the kids, however, many times these schools lose their English teachers to better paying jobs. Please pray for Latin American ChildCare when it enters your mind. Pray that God will continue to do His work in these kids lives and that we will be able to continue being a part of their education, which is SO important.

As it rains and rains and RAINS some more, I give thanks to my heavenly Father, because this rain has made Costa Rica a beautiful land full of many plants and rich soil. It has been a great blessing to Costa Rica to be able to export fruits and vegetables and coffee. Without the plentiful rain, we would not have those blessings here. However this is also the season of head colds, allergies, mold, and ¨I wanna stay in bed¨syndrome. So please pray with me for the health of our missionaries and pastors, as well as an extra strength, super natural motivation.

Next Friday, I will be speaking at a church in Torre Molinos about relationships and purity to the women´s ministry in the church. I am very excited!

On a more personal note:
I have been developing relationships here in Costa Rica relatively easy, but sometimes I find areas that make me uncomfortable, primarily because of cultural concepts and differences. God has been good to me and helped me!
I have also come to face some of my weaknesses and had to humbly ask the Lord´s forgiveness and correction another time. God has been strengthening me and directing me, but I continue to seek his direction as I look at what he has for me in the ministry in the future.

THANK YOU for reading and for thinking of me!!!

You are loved: each one of you!!!

Thursday, October 2, 2008

My Amazing Maker

“Mas yo esperaré siempre, y te alabaré mas y mas. Mi boca publicará tu justicia y tus hechos de salvación todo el día, aunque no se su número. Vendré a los hechos poderosos de Jehová el Señor; haré memoria de tu justicia, de la tuya sola.” Salmos 71: 14-16

“But I will always hope, and I will praise to you more and more. My mouth will publish your justice and your acts of salvation all day long, although I do not know the exact number. I will proclaim the powerful works of the Lord Jehovah; I will make memory of your justice, yours alone.” Psalms 71: 14-16

I want to share with you all the incredible things the Lord has shown me this past week. On Friday morning, September 26th, I left with a team of six people for the province of Guanacaste. We went to the capital Liberia, in a neighborhood called Nazaret. We were about 2 hours away from the Nicaragua border.

The missionaries I went with, Paul and Karla Weis, are the current Area Directors in Costa Rica, and will be moving to work stateside in December. They have had a strong outreach throughout Costa Rica workintg with the drama, Heaven's Gates, Hell's Flames.

The impact of this drama brings all who view it to take a good look at life and death, along with their options for a heart at peace and eternity secure. It is very good.

I would like to testify to the greatness of my Lord. We saw many of the people in this town delivered from illness, suffering, unforgiveness and many other things.

There was an epileptic boy named Tony who I believe God has healed and more importantly I saw the change on his face as he asked Jesus to reign in his life and become his guide. His whole face lit up and his smile now began to reach his eyes in place of the stare that before watched me.
The ministers that were on our team watched as a teenager named Gabriel decided to embrace Christ in place of the wounds from his past and home, and there was an amazing transformation in his face as well. He also took immediate steps of leadership, demonstrating love and joy which only comes from the power of the Spirit of God.

I was amazed. In the course of three nights, 4 presentations, and much hard work, 185 young people and adults gave their hearts and lives to Jesus for the first time as well as over 25 recommitments. There were also many testimonies of people who went home and there gave their hearts to Christ as well as many children. The number I do not know for sure of these.

God is amazing. I was also personally encouraged.

The amount of things I could tell you is endless. I returned yesterday, Wednesday, October 1st, with sunburn (we visited three beaches on Tuesday before our final presentation . . . I brought home TONS of pretty sea exciting!) . . . and my heart FULL. God has been so good to me.

There are about 10 little kids that I now have in my prayers, several teenagers, and a few priceless mothers.

I hope to return to Liberia, Guanacaste in this next year and spend time reaching out to these beautiful people.

Please remember them in prayer with me as so many of them battle in a neighborhood full of witchcraft, drugs, and poverty. Even though there is a beautiful tourist area about an hour away, the people in this neighborhood are struggling against things much greater. The love in their hearts was obvious as we left.

A little ring that a precious child gave me with glowing eyes begging me to return, the shy beautiful teenager who gave me chocolate and smiled with gratitude and the mother all of them embracing us. They even did a break dance presentation before we left wanting to show us appreciation, and as we applauded for them, they applauded for us and said, no... the applause is for you.

These memories are cherished, but the one we really honor is not ourselves, for the one who did all these things, is our Heavenly Father.

Who loved us so much that he made all of this Joy and Love possible. It is incredible!!!

Te quiero mucho! y que Dios los bendiga mas cada dia!
I love you lots! and may God bless you more every day!

OH.... Becky!!! Congratulations on your engagement! i am so happy for you!!!!!!

Your sister, daughter, friend.