Friday, May 22, 2009

Hungry for Him... He consumes me.

Today is the day of salvation.

My heart burns and my spirit cries within me, to see the salvation of our God, the deliverance of His people.

This is a time in which many have confused the truth, and traded it for a lie. Many are choosing convenience instead of justice, and are lazing through life instead of realizing the battle they are fighting.

Since the beginning, when Lucifer turned against God, there has been a great battle throughout the world. This angel of light, would like nothing else than too take you down with him as a revenge against God for casting him out of heaven.

He is not happy that God sent him away, and he does not like humankind. He hates us. But God LOVES us. God created humankind in his own image, with the ability to be creative, think, love and have give life.

We were limited but created to be a design replica of him. He gave us even the ability to choose. Something that most animals don't have. He gave us a will that we could make choices about how we would live our lives.

The thing is that our race, humankind, chose to believe a lie instead of the truth, and it has cost us a paradise world, instead turning this world into a battle grounds. It was through the first of humankind, that the ground was cursed and that animals began to be killed for our use and protection.

We have been here for thousands of years now, but we were created with a purpose. Many have lost that purpose. The purpose we were created with was exactly this...

To be in relationship with the Creator and give him great pleasure. To be set apart and holy as his prize of all creation. Innocent, vulnerable and unashamed, clean with a heart and transparency that is unequaled in all creation. With eyes that reflect the light of our Creator and a love that is incredibly intimate between Him and us.

We were created pure, but our choices forever marred this purity. Forever marred our vision. We could no longer be innocent, for our eyes had been opened to the vastness of the world, the hunger of power, the naked desperateness that we had without Him. We became obligated instead of pure. We became slaves to knowledge, to conscienceness...instead of freely basking in our Father's presence without knowing punishment, evil or vulnerability.

My desire for him consumes me. Yet all around me, I see the turning waters. I see the growing confusion inside and outside the church. People are looking for the truth and are not resting. People are growing more and more complacent. We have some atheists more determined to convince that God doesn't exist, than Christians that He does.

What does the Atheist win by an unexistant God? just a loneliness... an unpurposeful life, ... an excuse to live how they desire while here, ... but nothing afterwards. No purpose, no leader.

What does a Christian win by perseverance, a dedication to the truth and belief in spite of all odds? He wins everything. A relationship with a loving God ... meaning relationship, not loneliness, a purposeful life driven by love in his/her heart towards a Creator, a leader and a guide, IMMORTALITY, and a reason to live the best possible so that you will have more to give in the eternal.

If a man lives 120 years, and then dies, how many will remember him, and for what fame? But in eternity? 120 years is little in terms of 2000 years but what about infinity? I want this time on earth to be a time of great preparation for my immortality with my Father after I leave this earth. This earth is a temporary time, but afterwards, I will live forever.

Please, if you are reading this and you think I am crazy, please think about what I am saying.
and study. The Word of God will lead you to all truth and holds the secrets of Immortality.

Mankind has looked for immortality through every method possibly in all kinds of fairy tales and fantasies. The only reason these fantasies would be created is by a real dream and desire that mankind has. The reason we have this hunger comes from our true need and true intention in creation. We were never intended to be mortal. But we went our own way.

We must come back home, to be able to be everything that our Creator intended us to be.

Why wait? He already paid the price so that you would come home to him!!! The death and ressurection of His Son on the cross redeemed us from the curse that came. Our forefathers didn't have the opportunities that we have, why do we still reject Him?

Would you spit in the face of someone who just saved your life? Would you haughtily reject someone's outstretched arm to you while burning alive?

Don't reject him any longer. He loves you and it cost him everything. If you reject the Messiah, He will also reject you, because there is no other way to the Father by which you can be saved from death. Look into it. You will find that I tell you the truth.

Peace to you. I hope that you who read this, choose immortality rather than a moments pleasure and an eternity of darkness. I want to live in Christ!

"This is love, not that we loved God, but that He loved us, and sent His Son, as a ransom for many."

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