Wednesday, December 16, 2009

Social justice

Dear friends,

Did you wake up in your own bed this morning? Enjoying the warmth of your family. Sitting under the christmas lights and dreaming?

There are many who do not have this luxury. They scrounge for food, they hide from police, who have watched them be beat, and done nothing, they live as invisible trying to escape from existence. they are dead people walking.

What of these? Wake up! Get on your knees. Cry out to the living God. He is not ignorant to our pleas. and He will let justice be done.

Repent all you people. Repent from your wickedness.

My opportunities were given to me by my Maker who loves me, those who did not have my opportunities, along with those who have victimized them, are also loved by God. He will bring justice.

Fight for these.

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