Monday, June 7, 2010

The man who will not die for something, is not fit to live. --Dr. Martin Luther King

As a child,

I longed to express my faith in a measure that would be worthy of leaving a mark. 
I spent countless hours in conversation with Father about His will for me, and dedicated my life to service that many could come to salvation from their sins.  I heard many stories which inspired me and took my breath away.
The shadow of people such as Dr. Vernon Johns, who left a mark so deep, he inspired the likes of 26 yr old Martin Luther King, Jr.  Dr. Johns was an inspiration and laid a foundation, just as the Word of God says, some plant the seeds and others water and others harvest.  The fight for freedom was a worthy cause, and yet exists this fight among humankind.

The heroes who had gone before me were people who stood for another worthy cause.  The cause for the case of Christ.  A cause greatly rejected... They sought to bring redemption to many and were sent away, killed, and publicly ridiculed for their stance.

The sovereign hand of the Most Holy One calls many to walk the path that the Messiah walked.  For he says in his Holy Word, "whoever would follow me, must deny himself, take up his cross and follow me."

Human rights are still to this day being denied.  Children are being taken captive by evil men who have stolen them to do their will, and their parents cries have been silenced.  Naive women are promised a brighter tomorrow as they are welcomed into the "good ol' USA" and then trafficked into a ring that is so secret, that no one even knows about these rings.

We, the people, are becoming more aware of such heinous acts, yet our fear and timidity withholds our hands and voices.  I am so grateful for the leaders in a movement to free these and to discover these rings.

The corruption in our world finds many different forms, but God grieves over all of it.  His Spirit roams the earth looking to comfort the broken hearted and bring reconciliation with God and man. 

I say to you,  If you are going to go out, go out with flying colors.  Be hot or cold.  Stop being lukewarm.  I want to be radical for Christ. 

How easy for me to write these things, and my heart's desire is to be that radical.  I want my life to leave a mark and impression for many youth to follow.  If Christ' work can be unfolded through my life, let it be done how He wills it.  Let His justice reign.

Just some thoughts.  I know this is not all connected completely, but I just share my heart with all who are reading.

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