I lay them down before you Lord. My fears, trials and temptations. My desires, longings and deep needs. I lay before and surrender my knowledge and my lack of knowledge.
I surrender my dreams. I ask for your improvement, I ask for your guidance, for your will.
One true and merciful God. I love and adore only you and ask for your steadfastness. For your consistency and for your focus.
It is not mine to direct myself. I can only ask you to direct and I will play the part. I want to be all that I can be for you and give the very best that I can.
Help me to count the cost of each decision and to move forward with patience and endurance. Help me to walk forward without doubt, but with kindness and firm character.
Forgive me Father, for all the times that I have failed, but THANK YOU FATHER, that you are GOD. CONQUEROR, DELIVERER, and HEALER. I will fail again, but I cannot rely on myself,
I have You for that.
Yahoshua rah ha da'aim hashem Yisrael.
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