"Let the righteous strike me; It shall be a kindness. And let him rebuke me; It shall be as excellent oil; let my head not refuse it." Psalm 141:5
What was David really saying here? He is giving up self so much, that he would prefer rebuke to keep him on the right path, rather than stay where he is in sin.
Would you do the same?
The Word says in Proverbs that "Faithful are the wounds of a friend, but the kisses of an enemy are deceitful." This is a great truth teaching us not to rely on what people say good to us about ourselves, but to be established in truth, seek out friendships who will correct you when necessary. Be in good company. "Bad company corrupts good character." (Prov 26:6, 1 Corinth 15:33)
If we are so focused on ourselves that we are always worried about what someone thinks of us, or putting forth the best image, looking our best, dressing the best, making an impression in various circles, this can inhibit us from giving our all to God. We may "appear" to give all and be a "good Christian leader" but in our hearts we are wanting for more.
A true leader and Christ follower is someone who denies their own gain, this includes the over awareness of our own selves, picks up our cross and follows in His way. His way was to bring a call to repentance to Israel. He proclaimed that His kingdom was coming and signs followed him. Captives were set free, people were healed, even raised from the dead, and delivered from demons as well as all kinds of infirmities.
Our focus being out ward will encourage and demand change from ourselves as well as others. It will not be afraid to lay hands on people and pray for them, because we do truly know who our redeemer is, and who cares what the family sitting two tables down thinks of us?? It is more focused and concerned about the eternal welfare of others than it is about present personal welfare.
This should tranform our giving.
Transform our ideals.
If more "Christians" would focus less on self, even if it is focusing on our lack, there would be more true Christ followers, and it would cause many to follow in our footsteps.
I challenge you, reader, and I challenge myself also, to "Let your light shine" Shine where? on you??? NO! Shine on the Messiah and His soon coming return. We shall proclaim that He is truly coming soon and cause many to glorify our Father in heaven through "good works" according to Matthew 5, it is our good works that bring glory to His name when we do them with His name.
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