Thursday, September 29, 2011

Re: The Culture War

My dear friends,

To where or whom do you trace your heritage? We are living in a time of crossing cultures every time you get on the internet. Every time you step outside your doors and into the grocery store, the United States of America is full of diverse cultural values and systems.

We have been taught our history in grade school, and we believe without question that the stories are our valid true history, but many have brought questions out today. Many have researched different tales. Stories that were left untold about the Native Americans who the Europeans encountered when they arrived.

Our history is based on our pioneers. The frontier people who courageously went out on the queen's commission unsure if they would arrive or not. Colombus had a vision and a mission, and his name was written in history as a result of his passion and fervent effort.

However, we miss a huge part of what really happened in the land we call home. Our homeland had a people, in fact, had several peoples in it already. We have never questioned them as to whether they were the natives of this land or not, however, some new theories bring those questions to the front.

Could others have reached the Americas before the European and Spanish settlers and conquistadores? Could there be Asians, Turkish, other groups?

The beauty of this diverse nation has started and been destined long before it happened. The people who arrived here were people of passion, of vision and of great courage. Mysteries that are held in this land may never be uncovered.

Comments are welcomed! :)

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