Tuesday, January 24, 2012


I have been on an adventure that I have told a few of you about in which I am reading through the Bible from beginning to end. It is a new way of discovering the riches of God, rather than reading in different places. I just finished reading the book of Esther.

Esther has always been one of my favorite books. She was an ordinary girl about whom God had extraordinary plans and through whom Yahwah delivered his people Israel. She was taken from her simple peasant home right into the arms of the king of Babylon, and God caused great favor to be on her. She could have covered her head in shame because the youthfulness of her virginity was taken away from her, but instead she embraced the opportunity as God's will and became a refreshing joy in the harem of young virgins.

Behold the greatness and good love of our wonderful Maker who gave her wisdom beyond her youthfulness. She could have told all, but she heeded the wisdom of her uncle Mordecai and did not reveal her people. It took great courage for her to obey the king's command. She was also respectful and submissive to her uncle Mordecai, and although she feared her own death, she took strength in the embrace of her heavenly Abba and walked into the king's chambers uninvited awaiting her certain execution.

When she saw that the king was pleased to receive her, she did not become hasty in pleading for her people nor did she demand in anger for the king to deliver her, but took time to adore her king and pour blessing on his head. Once she had secured his favor, once she had found that he was certain about giving her anything she requested, then she took the opportune time to plead for her life and that of her family.

Such wisdom and courage who can find!! Queen Esther (the young maiden Haddassah) is still celebrated to this day among the Israelites in exile who were rescued by God's great hand through the queen. Every 12th month on the 15th day, they remember how God had mercy on them through her and they celebrate by giving of gifts to the poor and to their neighbors. This holiday is called Purim.

I am thankful for the favored people of Israel. Without their deliverance, would any one of us be delivered? Yet through this people has arisen the Son of God Most High and He was delivered into the hands of men unto death, but God rose him again! I believe that through Israel is my inheritance and have heard my loving Abba say my name. He knows me, and has put his banner over me (a Gentile no less).

In the Bible it says that God has chosen a people who were not a people. How magnificent is His name in all the earth, and Blessed is the King of Israel who has become Lord of my heart over all the earth!

ALthough Israel was God's chosen people, through the Messiah grace and forgiveness has been extended to any people group. I recognize who Israel is, AND I also recognize who I am.

Thank you Jesus Christ for saving me. I am devoted to you.

Love you friends.

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