Wednesday, November 7, 2007


It has been a while my friends since I have updated you on my progress.

God is so good and faithful. I have been learning and growing as God has met me in all my needs. Your support is so important at this time as I am working on the final preparations before I leave for Costa Rica.

God has brought an attractive young man, Erik Kelly, into my life, who He has used to bring glory to His name.

I am at a loss as to why God has done this, and now, but regardless, his presence has caused me to grow spiritually and to be more of the woman that God wants me to be. I have been greatly encouraged with God's steadfast love and his presence in this situation as in all.

With this upcoming missionary journey only two months away, I ask your prayers. I am planning to depart on January 2nd, 2008 should the Lord permit me.

This will not be possible until I finish raising $270 dollars more per month, and until all other promised pledges have been cleared and received.

If you are one of my dear friends who have not yet sent in your forms, please do not delay! I am dependant upon your help!!

Thank you for following along with me, and for believing that God's plan will be accomplished through me. I am so excited to reach children for Jesus and see their child-like faith be put into practice to glorify God.

Your friend and co-laborer in Christ,
Joanna J Finkenbinder

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